professional guidance worldwide by Rotarians for Rotaractors

a project of the Rotary E-Club of Latinoamérica sponsored by Districts 4200 Mexico y 2050 Italy



The Rotary E-Club of Latinoamérica (, where E means electronic, is one of the 14 pilot clubs participating in the experimental project conducts by the RI Board of Directors for holding on-line meetings, to test new ideas, methods, or organizational frameworks for clubs that may help secure Rotary’s future as a premier humanitarian service organization. The Rotary E-Club of Latinoamérica has started this Internet worldwide project under the Vocational Service.

The Mentoring involves the development of a relationship on to one in which somebody (the Mentor), usually a more experienced person, helps someone else (the Pupil), usually a less experienced person, to achieve something. This involves creating an informal and non-threatening environment in which the Pupil feels comfortable discussing their needs and concerns and the Mentor can provide help and encouragement.

The Electronic Mentoring is a development of the traditional Mentoring. When combined Mentoring and modern communication tool, they create a brand new way to connect adults with young people. It is Mentoring via the internet.

Origin of the word: the English word Mentoring derives from the name Mentor of Greek origin. Mentor was an old friend of Ulysses and he protected and educated Ulysses son Telemachus. Acting as a mentor, Minerva set sail with Telemachus in search for his father. The meaning of Mentor is therefore essentially linked to a father figure: a trustworthy and wise counselor. The Mentoring is the activity of offering to and sharing advice with a young person, as a father will do, with no ulterior motives.


Receivers (Tutors): the Rotarians.

Beneficiaries (Pupils): the Rotaractors.

Goals: professional orientation and assistance/help/ support in the projection of an intended study path to develop a career or profession to enter or just entered.

Technical tools: Mentor and Pupil will need to have access to a computer and internet service. It is requested that a Messenger voice module is installed, preferably with Webcam and also the use of Skype.

The idea: this is like building a virtual airport, with control towers (the coordinators) , information rooms and take-off and landing runways, allowing timely selected and coordinated teams of one Mentor/one Pupil to set on a flight together.
These partnerships do take off and are duly registered with their flight plan, monitored through the radars (specific data charts) by specialists and advisors (even external ones) capable of providing qualified assistance as many times as needed, and then land at the end of their mission.

The Pupils: Rotaractors in possession of a high school diploma or enrolled in a University, and willing to take advantage of a one-to-one consultancy by a Mentor, in relation to the professional stages they want to develop. When they join, an admission card is filled with the service coordinators and all the information is handled with utmost discretion and only released to the assigned Mentor. As soon as an available and ideal Mentor is located, coordinators submit the name and curriculum of the proposed Mentor to the pupil, and every time an agreement for a “positive encounter” is reached, Mentor and pupil are introduced. The partnership will therefore agree about the method and frequency of their future contacts. Pupils are requested to strictly adhere to the timing and method of contact agreed upon with their Mentors, and periodically share their impressions and experience by submitting a written report, or an e-mail. Active Pupils will have access to a password restricted data area allowing the sharing of their experiences and problems with other Pupils.

The Mentors: Rotarians with adequate professional experience in any of the activity sectors selected. They will have to be willing to follow-up and counsel on one or more Pupils in the service area, training them about the “maps”, “routes” and “instruments” for orientation. This support will be strictly on a volunteer and free basis, and will have to follow rigorous deontological methods. The Rules of the service specifically prohibit any direct employment offer to the Pupil by the Mentor (part-time, practice, internship, etc), unless a particular dispensation is granted by the Control Committee, after evaluation of such a proposal submitted by Mentor and Pupil. Coordinators will be kept informed by Mentors about the developments of the service sending a “flight plan” data sheet. Active Mentors will have access to a password restricted data area allowing

the sharing of their experiences and problems with other Mentors.

The Co-ordinators (“Control Tower”): create and administer Mentors and Pupils data bases; analyze demand and register Pupils in each e-group; select Mentor and Pupil partnerships; allow direct contact between Mentor and Pupil; follow-up each couple “in flight” (“equipage”) and assist the groups; decide over the eventual dispensation for a Mentor’s direct job employment offer to a Pupil.

Control Committee: eventual controversy (“unfavorable weather conditions”) during service will be resolved by a Control Committee formed by Rotarians of acknowledged experience and professional competence. If faced by serious transgressions to the Service Rules the Committee has the power to suspend and/or exclude Pupils and/or Mentors. Their decisions have no appeal.

The management platform: once signed up directly from the site www.rotaryementorin, Mentors and Pupils will receive a password to access to the reserved area, where they will find: instructions for using the platform, chat, forums, educational materials, news, etc..

The Staff – 3rd August 2009

Control Committee
PRIP Frank Devlyn – R.C. Ciudad de Mexico-Anahuac – District 4170 Mexico

PRIVP Louis Piconi – R.C. Bethel-St. Clair Pittsburgh – District 7300 U.S.A
PRID Gennaro Maria Cardinale – R.C. Firenze Brunelleschi – District 2070 Italy
PRID Anthony Serrano – R.C. Bedfordview – District 9300 South Africa

Inventor and co-ordinator of the project

PDG Massimo Massoni * – Piacenza – Italy

Mentoring Consultant

Matteo Perchiazzi * – Florence – Italy

(“Control Tower”)

Titti Cimmino * – Naples – Italy
Marco Kappenberger * – Apia – Samoa
Matteo Perchiazzi * – Florence – Italy

Sergio Svalina * – Alboraya – Spain

Connection Leaders

Argentina: Silvia Escobar * – Martínez
Australia: Dario Schwoerer * – Bondi Junction
Benelux: PDG Paul Knyff – R.C. Weesp-Vechtstreek Noord -District 1570
Bolivia: Rodolfo Soto – R.C. Grigotá – District 4690
Brazil: Maria Aparecida M.G. Pereira – “Cidinha” – R.C. Sao Paulo – District 4610
Ecuador: Rolf Andreetti * – Quito
France: Felix Toran * – Toulouse
Germany: Ernesto Neumann * – Darmstadt
Italy: PDG Massimo Massoni * – Piacenza
Mexico: Gaspar Castilla * – Salina Cruz
Peru: Roy Cárdenas Riverso – R.C. Tacna – District 4300

Russia: Olga Luzganova – R.C. Vladivostok Ecoo – District 5010
Spain: Josep Reichardt – R.C. Sant Pol del Mar-Montnegre – District 2202
Switzerland: PDG Carlo Michelotti – R.C. Bellinzona – District 1980
U.S.A.: Pablo Carvallo * – Ft. Lauderdale – Fl
Bolivia: Nicolás Zalles – R.C. Grigotá – District 4690
Ecuador: Andreita Carolina Sanchez Paladines – R.C. Rio Jubones – District 4400

Honduras: Jessie Fernandez – R.C. San Pedro Sula – District 4250
Hungary: Roman Konsztantyinov R.C. Budapest City – District 1911

India: Munja Parekh – R.C. Mumbai Borivli – District 3140
Italy: Roberto Dall’Olmo – R.C. Cremona – District 2050

Madagascar: Faniry Raharivola – R.C Avana – District 9220

Public Relations

Silvia Escobar * – Martínez – Argentina
PDG Massimo Massoni * – Piacenza – Italy


English: Sergio Svalina * – Alboraya – Spain
Italian: Massimo Massoni * – Piacenza – Italy
Portuguese: Maria Aparecida M.G. Pereira – “Cidinha” – R.C. São Paulo – District 4610
Spanish: Sergio Svalina * – Alboraya – Spain


Nicola Rogna – AI Consulting s.r.l. – Piacenza – Italy

* Members of the Rotary E-Club of Latinoamérica – District 4200 – Mexico

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 8:29 PM, BS Chew wrote:

fyi… BS

Rotary & Rotaract E-Mentoring
Category: Organizations – Non-Profit Organizations
Description: Professional orientation and assistance/help/ support in the projection of an intended study path to develop a career or profession to enter or just entered.
Mentors: Rotarians.
Pupils: Rotarcatros.
JOIN ON www.rotaryementorin

We are also on
Twitter : http://twitter. com/RotaryMentor ing
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin .com/groups? gid=1961009&trk=anetsrch_ name&goback=%2Egdr_1249927031384_ 3

Contact Info
Website: http://www.rotaryem entoring. org

New correspondents

CHEW BAN SENG member of Rotary eClub of 3310 Singapore District 3310, became the correspondent of Rotary E-Mentoring for Rotary in Malaysia, Brunei and Singapore.

FADIL UKIQI member of Rotary Club Prishtina District 2480, became the correspondent of Rotary E-Mentoring for Rotary in Kosova.

VALENTIN LUBBE member of Rotaract Club Halle-Saale District 1800, became the correspondent of Rotary E-Mentoring for Rotaract in Germany.