Dear Club Presidents and Secretaries,

By now, you should have received and distributed the District Awards write-up to your board members, and work hard to put your club in a better light of community service in our District Awards Commemorative Magazine. If you have not received the document for whatever reasons, please return this email for re-send, approach your AG for the document, or your regional representative of the District Awards Committee:
Singapore — PP Dr. Jeffrey Seow
West Malaysia — PP Leong Chee Woh
East Malaysia — PP Patrick Chin

We need fund for the production and printing of the District Awards Commemorative Magazine. The objective of the magazine is to collect all the award winning projects and document into a magazine for experience sharing and learning. It is also a record our achievement for the Rotary year 2009-2010. We plan to produce color magazine for experience sharing of projects done by 65 Rotary Clubs, 26 Rotaract Clubs and 128 Interact Clubs in our District 3310.

We shall follow the format of advertising by logo listing of the sponsors per our District Newsletter (2006-2007):-
Logo listing (only one per page per sample given) — S$100 (RM200)
ROP Advertisement — S$500 (RM1,000)
Inside frontcover — S$1,000 (RM2,000)
Inside backcover — S$800 (RM1,600)

You could approach any one of the committee of District Awards for more info and discussion. The logo listing could be from club, company or individual to show our support for the project. A copy of the booking form is attached for your necessary action.

I urge all clubs to sponsor one logo for the Commemorative Magazine of District Awards 2009-2010.
Thank you for your attention and support.

Alex Eow
Chairman, District Awards 2009-2010
