The district assembly, held each April, is an opportunity for Rotarians to increase their Rotary knowledge, develop leadership skills, and meet other Rotarians in the district.


Club leaders receive resources at the district assembly to help them lead and motivate their club members, along with information on their role and responsibilities. They also can meet incoming district leaders, including the district governor, assistant governors, and various committee members. This is why incoming club board members and committee chairs are expected to attend this one-day event.


Attendees use case studies to exchange ideas and brainstorm solutions to common club issues, while also drawing on the expertise of other Rotarians in their district. Sessions dedicated to public speaking, long-range planning, and effective goal setting are among the most


The assemblies also provide Rotarians with information about their district’s goals for the next year, the new RI theme, the Club Leadership Plan, and membership recruitment and retention strategies. Overall, the district assembly helps all club members get motivated for the upcoming Rotary year while enjoying the fellowship of other Rotarians in their district.


(Source: Rotary World Magazine — April issue)