As I end my 3 year term as District Membership Chair, I am delighted to say that for the first time the District has broken the 2100 membership barrier. In addition, we have been successful in bringing down the termination numbers and taking retention rate to greater heights.

We started Rotary Year 2018-19 on 1 July 2018 with 2037 members and ended the year 2018-19 on 30 June 2019 with 2135 members,
a membership net growth of 4.81%.

Our achievement for Rotary Year 2018-19 (1 July 2018 – 30 June 2019) in summary below:

Member Count:
started 1 July 2018 2037,
ended 30 June 2019 2135

Club Count:
started with 71,
ended with 73

Female %:
started with 21%,
ended with 22%

Under age 40:
started with 15%,
ended with 14%

Retention rate:
RY 2017-18 with 89%,
RY 2018-19 with 92%

Our focus this year was to address the high terminations we have had over the past few years. We needed to understand the rationale for the terminations and try and plug the holes. To a great extent we were able to reduce the departures. When we look back, we lost

253 members in 2016-17,

237 in 2017-18 and

195 in 2018-19

a 23% improvement in retention rate since 2016-17.

As expected the major loss came at the Rotary year end…
we lost 72 members in June 2019, of which 26 were terminated on June 30, 2019.

In spite of this, we still have the lowest termination rate in many years. During this year we also had the highest retention rate in the Zone and I believe we shall retain the same.

We chartered 2 new Rotary clubs this year:
RC Kampong Gelam in Singapore and
RC Bandar Penggaram Mandarin in Johor, Malaysia .

As at 30 June 2019. our club growth results are as follows:

# New clubs: 2

# Clubs with positive net growth:

# Clubs with negative net growth:

# Clubs with zero net growth:

RC Garden City and RC Sentosa both brought in net 13 new members each.

As at 30 June 2019, our results for small clubs are:

15-20 members
11 clubs

10-14 members
17 clubs

<10 members
4 clubs.

Overall a good year and many thanks to the AGs and Club Presidents, PPs and my District Membership committee members, specially my District Deputy Membership Chair PP Joanne Kam for their support over the past three years. Also a special thank you to the 3 District Governors for 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19.

As I pass the baton on to our new District Membership Chair PP Saravanan, I wish him success in taking our membership growth to greater heights.

District Membership Chair 2016-2019
Khush Khushroo Dastur