Dear Rotarians, I am sharing the message sent to all Rotary Club Presidents on 30th March 2016.


PP Dr Ho, ED


Dear Club Presidents,

NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting will be held on 30th April 2016 (Saturday) at 3.30 pm at The Empress Hotel, Chiangmai, Thailand.


1. Chairman’s welcome address.

2. Resolutions Proposed By the Board of Directors of Rotary International District 3310 Berhad.

The District Governor Philip Chong, as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rotary International District 3310 Berhad, had received various resolutions which were considered and approved by the Board at its meeting on 20th March 2016.

It is now proposed by the Board for the consideration and, if thought fit, for adoption of the said resolutions by the Clubs. A copy of the said resolutions is attached herewith.

Enclosed herewith please find the:

Thank you.

For Rotary International District 3310 Berhad

Ahmad Shah
Company Secretary