Dear Fellow Rotarians,

We have crossed our half year of “Be a gift to the World” in the term 2015-2016.

Our Mid Term Review meetings in Johor Bahru, Muar, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak have highlighted so many achievements that we made us feel very proud and gave a lot of satisfaction as Rotarian. These are some of the highlights;


We have crossed the magic 2,000 mark. Currently our membership stands at 2,021 with net growth 213 new members making up male 1,660 or 82% and female 361 or 18%. Congratulations to everyone.

I urge all the individual Club Presidents and Membership Chairs to focus on membership growth so their club will also have positive growth together with the District. If possible, please achieve 20% growth in line with the District‘s goal for membership this term.


The Paul Harris Society or PHS initiative is moving very strong under the leadership of our District Chair for Fund Raising PP Dato’ Thomas. Currently, we have 60 Charter members so far and are still counting. Many Rotarians have generously contributed to the Rotary Foundation, for the first and also multiple contributions. Special mention President Dr. Tor RC Garden City has increased his contribution to Major Donor Level 4. He gave US$50,000 two times making a total US$100,000 this year alone. Thank you Dr. Tor and thank you everyone.

We still need at least US$200,000 contribution to Annual Fund. I urge my dear fellow Rotarians to support and contribute PHF, Major Donor, EREY. If each person contributes a little, together we’ll contribute much. This will help to do good for our local and international community under the Global Grants in the years ahead.


We have so far two new RCC, both in Kota Kinabalu; one under RC Kota Kinabalu and RC Luyang. Syabas President Jack Ong, President Kenneth Tan and District Chair for RCC PP Christopher Liew.


● We have formed a number of Rotaract and Interact clubs throughout the District. They are our future leaders.

● RYLA Kuching was successfully conducted with about 100 participants. OC was PP Dr. Willie RC Kuching Central

● First ever Interact Leadership Training Camp (ILTC) in Singapore was successfully held at NaCLi under the leadership of Rtn. Ronald Wong RC Singapore

● Interact Coordinating Committee(ICC) was formed in Singapore under the leadership of Rotarian Ronald Wong of RC Singapore. We are planning to form this throughout the District.

● 2nd District Interact Conference from 17-20 December, 2015, a very grand conference was held at Oasis Bay Eco Resort in Muar with more than 200 Interactors and Teacher Advisors from Singapore, Johor, Malacca, Sabah and Sarawak . OC was PP Foo Kok Min from RC Batu Pahat.


The Cycle to End Polio started 18 February, 2016 in Kota Kinabalu. The routes are Trans Borneo (Kota Kinabalu, Labuan, Brunei, Belait, Miri, Bintulu, Sibu, Darikei and Kuching). District Chair for PolioPlus VP Darren Jee and Sabah Zone Chair PP George Ligunjang joined the cyclists throughout the 11 days expedition. They were being very well received by many clubs at every stops complete with good fellowship and press coverage. Rotarian Wong Chen Yi RC Kuching Central and IPP Gary RC Kuching South has successfully organised the Cycle to End Polio in Kuching on 6 March, 2016

For Singapore, the Rotary Swimarthon organised by RC Singapore under the leadership of OC Rotarian Hassan and the Cyclethon held together on 5th March, 2016. The Singapore Zone Chair for the Cycle to End Polio was President Leo Tan RC Bukit Timah. Both End Polio fund raising were successfully concluded with many Rotarians participation.

For Malacca & Johor region, the cycling event was launched in KSL Resort hotel on 20th March during the DISTAS. The route will be from Malacca all the way to Dataran Mahkota in Iskandar, making stops at all the towns where Rotary Clubs are organising local riders’ participation, fellowship and press coverages. OC is President Elect Raymess RC JB Sentral and his dedicated team members from other Clubs in Johor Bahru.

As you know this is raise fund to support the eradication of Polio. We have fought the battle to eradicate Polio virus from the surface of the earth for the last 30 years. We are winning the battle and only 1% is left to be done, that’s Afghanistan & Pakistan. We are this close!

I would like to urge all the 66 clubs to contribute at least one PHF to PolioPlus this year. Let all just do this to ensure that that Poliovirus will remain in the history of the book and NOT in children.


We celebrated our 111 years Anniversary with the organising of WUPD in Singapore (OC PE Garry Taylor from RC Singapore ), International Nite in Kuching (OC George Ngui from RC Kuching) and International Nite in Kota Kinabalu for Sabah and Labuan (OC VP Datuk Suzannah Liaw of RC KK Pearl).

WUPD for Johor & Malacca from 25th to 27th March, 2016 at Kota Iskandar in conjunction with the Cycle to End Polio. OC is Gracy Yap of RC Kulai. I urge all Presidents, BOD and members to support and participate. Please bring along your Club Banners and photos of signature projects for showcasing.


DTTS & TTT have been successfully conducted on 20-21 February with the adoption of International Assembly concept by incoming DG Michael Yee.


First ever Pre-PETS program were successfully conducted in 4 main region in the District on 12 March, 2016 except for Kuching which has been successfully carried out on 27 February, 2016.


PETS & DISTAS has been successfully conducted from 17-20 March 2016 at KSL Hotel in JB. This is the most important training event to prepare the incoming leaders to take office for 2016-2017. We also witnessed the installation of incoming Governor Michael Yee.



Deadline to update your goals set through Rotary Club Central is on or before 31st March, 2016. RI requires club to set 15 mandatory goals and fulfil them in each section to qualify for RI Presidential Citation.

Keying in club’s goals will be take about 30 minutes. I urge clubs who haven’t done so to focus on this. It is not too late as you still have 7 days to fulfil it.


I urge clubs to start preparing their projects report for submission for District Award by 31 March, 2016.


The Intercity Meet for the District will be held in Singapore on 21 May, 2016. The Guest of Honour is our RI President Ravi . OC is PP Dr. Yap Lip Kee from RC Singapore.

RI President Ravi will present recognition award to the District PHS Charter Members and also Rotarians who are PHF & Major donors this Rotary year.

Please make sure you are there with your members & spouses!


RYLA in Pontian 8-11 June 2016 and the advanced RYLA in Kota Kinabalu from 31 May – 2 June, 2016. Details will be announced soon.


The finale of the year to be a gift to the World will be celebrated in Chiang Mai. This will be also our Silver Jubilee Celebration for the District. Beautiful place. Beautiful people. Wonderful fellowship. Wonderful program. You have every reason to be there! Please register now if you have not done so. Make sure to bring your spouse and family too. OC Woo Soo Poo and his hard working team is making sure of that. Let’s celebrate together and continue to be a gift to the World.

Kind regards,

Philip Chong Mau Kiong
Rotary Club of Likas Bay
District Governor 2015-16