Dear President-Elects

1. Please accept my congratulations on your appointment as Incoming Presidents of your respective Clubs in District 3310. I look forward to working with you closely as far as the Rotary Foundation and its objectives are concerned.

2. Pl see attached some documents, including an MOU document that is required for you to sign if your Club plan on embarking on Rotary Grants for the coming Rotary Year 2016/2017.




3. Attendance at the Grants Seminar is also compulsory for participation in Rotary Grants. Copies of the MOU will be made available during the Seminar and I hope you will complete, sign and return the MOUs to me at the end of the Seminar.

Thank you

PP Dr Shahul Hameed
District Grants SubCommittee Chair 2015-2017
RI District 3310