Dear Fellow Rotarians,

I would say that there are 2 parts of being a Rotarian.

One, the person as a member who takes time, thoughts and energy to serve.

Two, the contribution he makes in cash or in kind.

I see this as the right & left leg of being a Rotarian.

Our presence is important because that’s where it all begins. Our friendships, our fellowships, our meetings, our interactions, our minds, our hearts, our hands.

The other leg is our donations.

When we contribute for the Rotary Foundation whether it’s PHF, PHFSM, EREY, PHS, Major Donor, or Benefactor, we are supplying blood to the organisation. Our gifts will travel far across the continents and the world. Some of our gifts will come back to our own communities.

Imagine; our US$1,000 which is equivalent to RM4,000 will translate to:

1) Cleft Lips surgeries for 20 deformed lips children locally and internationally or

2) Vaccination for 200 children threatened by the deadly Polio disease. Or

3) Cataract surgeries for 10 rural villagers, giving  light, mobility and love to families. or

4) Provide books for rural children to enhance their literacy and skills.

But, that is not all my dear friends. With our Global Grants from the Rotary Foundation, the money can be multiplied at least 4 times. Meaning your US$1,000 will bring up to US$4,000 or 16,000 Malaysian Ringgit back.

I have met many Rotarians who are constant givers to TRF. So, I thought there may be many more Rotarians out there who want to give on regular basis.

We are initiating the PHS-Paul Harris Society in our District. A PHS makes a pledge to TRF to donate US$1,000 every year. DGE Michael Yee is the District Chair for Paul Harris Society.

We will circulate a pledge list to encourage Rotarians to become a PHS.

Please await further our programme and promotion on this.

Kind regards,

Philip Chong Mau Kiong

Rotary Club of Likas Bay

District Governor 2015-16