Dear Fellow Rotarians,
Greetings from Singapore!
Another Rotary year has begun and another team has taken over to continue the good work done by IPDG Andre Suharto and PP Lai Bou Leong and his committee. DG Philip Chong has tasked me to chair the Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee.  With the job came a huge responsibility and some challenging goals which my committee will strive to do to its best capability by working with all the clubs.
The committee was painstakingly assembled with competent, dedicated and passionate advisors and regional chairs. It is my great pleasure to introduce the team.
Advisors:    PDG David Tong and PDG Datuk Hi Zainie
Regional Chairs:
Johor and Malacca:    IPP Chew Kian Wee
Sabah/Labuan:    IPP Emma Aziz
Sarawak & Brunei:    PE Regina Lee
Singapore:    PP Dr Jeffrey Seow
The District Goals are as follows:
1.    The District shall achieve a maximum net increase of 18% in membership by end of June 2016. Our 1st July 2015 membership count is 1813 and we have to build on this and aim to cross the 2100 mark.
2.    All clubs in the district shall strive to exceed this membership target of a net 18% Increase.
3.    3% of this net increase shall comprise of Rotarians below 40 years of age (Young Rotarians), with a minimum addition of 1 Young Rotarian in every club.
4.    2% of the net increase shall compromise of woman Rotarians.
5.    Improving member retention rate by at least 1% from RY 2014-15.
6.    Strengthen small clubs to increase their membership by at least 25.
This year, instead of 3 in 1 Seminar, it has been decided that we shall go for 2 in 1 which will be a joint Membership and Public Relations/Public Image seminars. This is to facilitate more time for forum and discussions with the participants. Four seminars in the cities of Singapore, Johor, Kota Kinabalu, Kuching and another 2 mini seminars in Tawau and Bintulu are planned during September and October. Please see below the respective schedules.
5th September     Singapore clubs
12th September    Johor/Malacca clubs. Venue in Johor.
19th September    Kota Kinabalu and Labuan clubs. Venue in KK.
20th September    Tawau and Sandakan clubs. Venue in Tawau. Mini Seminar
3rd October            Sarawak clubs. Venue in Kuching.
4th October            Bintulu clubs. Venue in Bintulu. Mini Seminar.
I have been receiving many feedbacks, queries and blessings on how we should present the seminars. With the District Trainer DGE Michael Yee and guidance from DG Philip Chong and the advisors, we are working very hard to present a meaningful and exciting seminar with maximum audience participation and minimal “lectures”. More details will be shared when the program is in the process of finalisation. We would like to see all the 63 clubs and more when the new clubs are formed to participate in not just listening but to share your experience and thoughts on how we can approach membership recruitment, retention and club extension in our District. The committee appreciates that every club is different and there cant be a one size fit all approach or neither a top down approach will go well with the clubs. The membership recruitment and retention committee with club extension committee headed by PP Alex Eow will be there to motivate and assist you with relevant resources. Please feel free to contact me anytime  and I will be more than happy to assist.
As you will know Rotary International’s second most priority after eradication of Polio is Membership development. Without significant number of members in the club, Voluntary Welfare Organisation (VWO) such as Rotary cannot be effective. It is as simple as that. We need to continuously build and invigorate our clubs to be strong and vibrant. To do that we need to add or renew with new leaders who are passionate and have the heart and mind to uphold the philosophy and objective of Rotary.
Please be rest assured that the high goals set are not a number game. The leaders who came up with the target would like to see good Rotarians and not just members, so to speak. Each club has to decide what kind of members you need. To achieve the target we need to work on retention first and close the back door from members leaving. It is not just the Club President’s job to work on membership retention and recruitment but each and everyone of us. We just need to take some concerted effort and be conscious to look around us everyday when we  bump into someone and pause for a moment to see if that person has the potential to be a quality member.
IPDG Andre had laid the foundation for membership growth and DG Philip Chong has picked up the momentum from it and has done a lot of homework and research with regards to forming new clubs including Satellite clubs. Even up to 30th of June, members were inducted and the momentum should continue. Let’s join together to extend our arms to potential members who are out there waiting for us to invite them to Join leaders, Exchange ideas and Take action.
Best Regards
Mohan Photo
Rotarian Mohan
RC Pandan Valley
District Membership Recruitment and Retention Chair, 2015-16
Assistant Governor, 2014-15
President 2013-14