RYLA JOHOR 2015 registrations are officially open.
We only have limited space for 100 participants so send in your application and payment quick. You need not be in Interact or Rotaract. Facilitator Selection will only commence after the closing date 10th May 2015 (or earlier when fully sold) from duly completed and paid applications. If you are above 18 and have attended 2 or more RYLAs, you may indicate on the right hand corner of the form “Request to be Facilitator” and we shall contact shortlisted candidates for discussion. No personal communication for faci selections will be entertained. I am going Golfing smile emoticonSend me an email to chandran@propnex.com with heading “RYLA Forms Please” and you shall receive one soon. May the Force be with You….Always…….Obiwan…
PP Chandran, Camp Commandant,
Organising Chair and District RYLA Chair, Rotary District 3310