Dear Current AGs & Club Presidents & Fellow Rotarians,

Thank you so much for the incoming Presidents, Secretaries , Rotarians and Rotary spouses who has registered for the coming PETS, SETS, TETS and DISTAS to be held at KSL Resort from 26-29 March, 2015.

This important annual training event is fast approaching, I sincerely request those incoming Presidents, club officers , Rotarians and spouses who have not register, please spare few minutes of your time to register online at our district website or request PP Joseph Chua who is most willing to assist you.

Please take note that the “5pay4” promotion will end by 28 February, 2015. To enjoy this attractive promo, delegate including spouse and friends of Rotary must be from the same club. Therefore do not miss this opportunity and quickly form groups of 5 for registration.

The SETS and TETS sessions are free of charge and I would encourage all incoming Secretaries and Treasurer to attend and gain knowledge.

The hard working Organising Committee has put a lot of efforts into this event. So, it will benefit Rotarians who are attending and have fun too.

Current AGs and Presidents, please motivate and guide the Incoming Presidents & BOD and members on the importance of the PETS, SETS, TETS & DISTAS.

Again thank you and I will see all Incoming AGs, Presidents and their club officers, fellow Rotarians and their spouses on 26 March at KSL in JB.

Len Nyuk and I would like to take this opportunity to wish our Chinese fellow Rotarians Kong Xi Fa Cai and all my non-Chinese fellow Rotarians Happy Holidays.

Kind regards,

Philip Chong
Incoming District 3310 Governor