Dear DG Andre, PDGs, Presidents & Incoming Presidents & fellow Rotarians,

Warmest Greetings!

It is the time of the year again to prepare for the change of office bearers both at the District and clubs level. DG Andre and his team has provided us with amazing leadership both in the day to day running of district matters and in coping with emergencies like the recent flood situation in Malaysia. Syabas!

This year, the PETS (President Elect Training Seminar) for all incoming club Presidents will be from 26-27 March 2015 while the incoming club officers (and the incoming club Presidents) will be trained at (DISTAS) District Training Assembly from 27-29 March 2015 .

In this training seminar, we have reintroduced Secretary Elect Training (SETS) and incorporated Treasurer Elect Training (TETS) for all incoming club Secretaries and Treasurers . This is to provide the incoming club office bearers with the necessary skills and knowledge so as to be more effective and efficient in helping to administer the club affairs. This is the reason for renaming PETS & DISTAS to PETS, SETS, TETS & DISTAS. The training seminar will be held at KSL Resort and Hotel, Johor Bahru.

We also have incorporated an on-line hands-on training and guidance for the incoming Club Presidents to plan their year; membership development, service projects, support of Rotary Foundation programs and youth program using the Rotary Club Central, which is an effective tool to help clubs set goals, and track their clubs’ progress on planned programs and activities. The Planning Guide for Effective Club is no longer applicable and RI urges clubs to use Rotary Club Central.

Therefore, all incoming Presidents are kindly requested to work out your club’s goals and plans for 2015-2016 with your club officers before coming to PETS and also to bring along your notebook or ipad for the PETS training. Do sign in to My Rotary account with RI if you have not done so. This is very important as from 1 July 2015, RI will be using database resources such as Rotary Club Central and others to access the respective club’s performance and achievement of all levels of Rotary, that is from clubs all the way up through district, zone and international levels.

The training program will be exciting and interesting. Our District Trainer, DGN Michael Yee has been spending a lot of time and effort to design the program and line up of selected facilitators for the benefit of Rotarians attending this seminar. Thank you DGN Michael for your hard work.

We also have very interesting spouse programs planned for all the participating spouses by the First Lady of RC Johor Bahru, Lay See, and her hard working team.

Months of preparations and hard work have also been invested by the host club RC of Johor Bharu to make this 25th PETS, SETS, TETS & DISTAS an enjoyable and comfortable experience. My sincere appreciation to RC of Johor Bahru President Elect Freddie Lee and the organising committee members for taking the challenge of organising this important annual event.

I appeal to all of you to give your unanimous support and would appreciate your early registration so as to make the job of the organising committee easier .

The DTTS (District Team Training Seminar) and TTT (Train-the-Trainers) will be held on 28 February and 1 March 2015 at Thistle Hotel Johor Bahru. Incoming AGs and District team, please take note. Details will be sent later.

I thank you for joining Len Nyuk and I to “ light up Rotary and be a gift to the world.”

See you all soon in JB.

Kind regards,
Philip Chong
Incoming District Governor