Click here For Rotary District Dues remittance information

Click Here To Download Claim Form

Procedures for Submitting Claims to District 3310

  1. Please complete the District 3310 Claim Form for every claim.
  2. The District 3310 Claim Form will be made available for download from the District Website in early October 2014.
  3. The submitted claim form must be supported with relevant documents such as invoices and receipts (as applicable).
  4. Claim Form is to be signed by the Rotarian making the claim.
  5. Please indicate your bank account number in the space provided in the Claim Form if you want the claim amount to be remitted directly into your bank account.
  6. The claim must FIRST be submitted to the appropriate District Chair for review and approval.  Before making approval, the District Chair is required to ensure that the amount claimed is reasonable and is in accordance with the approved budget.
  7. Upon making the approval, the District Chair will then submit the Claim Form to the District Governor for approval of payment.
  8. The District Governor will make final decision whether to approve or reject the claim.
  9. If the claim is not approved by the District Governor, a notification will be sent to the District Chair.
  10. If the claim is approved, the District Governor will forward the approved Claim Form to District Treasurer for payment processing.
  11. All claims can be submitted by email for the payment approval process, where all supporting documents are required to be scanned.
  12. However, the hard copy of the Claim Form and the original supporting documents must be forwarded to District Treasurer immediately as they will be required for subsequent audit purposes.  Payments will only be made on receipt of the original documents.