Dear DG Ghim Bok & fellow Rotarians

Enclosed is the detailed report from Yayasan Board in response to our request for information pertaining to grants, contributions, membership of  the Yayasan, appointment of Trustees and so forth.
From the report, total contributions by individual Rotarians & friends, surplus of income from district events & interest income to Yayasan from District 3300 over the last few years is more than RM970,000.00 and the amount from District 3310 is about RM168,000.  In this respect, District 3300 has contributed large amount of money to Yayasan.
In the case of grant application, Yayasan have never rejected any request for the last 5 years. This was again clarified by our Yayasan Chairman PDG Dato Dr. Low Teong during today Yayasan Trustee meeting. He also clarified that criteria and forms on application for project funding are available at the Yayasan website: www.
In my opinion, Yayasan will benefit small clubs in our district as their projects size are small and does not qualify for the Global grant which requires minimum project size of US$30,000.00 (RM100K). As such Clubs can apply funding from Yayasan
Please be informed that the Deputy Chairman PDG Lim Kok Beng will represent Yayasan Chairman PDG Dato Dr, Low Teong at our District Conference to clarify the Yayasan matter if any.
I hope Malaysian Rotary Clubs in our district will make a decision to continue the contribution to Yayasan.
Thank you for your kind attention and understanding on this matter.
Kind Regards
DGN Philip Chong