The case for the need of a manager or COO in Rotary District 3310
The state of Rotary in District 3310 has not been good. Since 2007, in spite of the setting up of a few new clubs, the number of Rotary clubs have drop from 70 to 62. At present many clubs are struggling and are in danger of closing. This is not an uncommon problem to Rotary. Rotary International has for years kept its membership at 1.2 million with high turnover. Rotary International, through a number of studies and surveys on behavior of clubs has come out with plans that emphasize the importance of Rotary clubs having significant programs and projects in their own local communities. These programs give opportunities for Rotarians to participate in their community and enhance the public image of Rotary. Rotary membership will also improve.
Good effective management is the key to improvement of an organization. This applies also to Rotary in District 3310. We are faced with yearly change of leadership from District Governor, District officers, Presidents and club officers. While most Rotarians are committed, responsible and serve selflessly, they are also volunteers and learning nearly everything about their role the first time. The establishment of a physical secretariat and the employment of a secretary in 2006 was a first step in getting the district organized. The setting up of the Berhad two years ago as a legal entity is the second step. The presence of a manager or COO in the District as the next step will definitely help improve the administration, services, membership and public image of Rotary in District 3310.
The role of the manager/COO can include the following:
District Planning & Performance:
Contribute to and support the district’s strategic planning function, oversee progress in implementation of district plans and programs.
Monitor district plans and programs for long term continuity and consistency.
Contribute to short term and long term goal-setting, oversee performance evaluation and review.
Ensure timely submission of reports by district officers.
Be a resource to district officers, club presidents and officers.
District Administration:
Ensure timely submission of annual reports and audited accounts of the Berhad.
Organize the district archives of reports and documents.
Implement decisions of the Board of Directors of the Berhad.
Implementation of goals and plans set by District Governor.
Assisting District Governor in the administration of the District.
Contribute to the program and management of district training meetings and the district conference.
Establish and oversee relations with external organizations including companies, foundations, government bodies engaged in long term community service projects
The manager/COO will be assisted by a full time secretary. There will be an increase in expenditure which we hope, will be met by the request in the slight increase in district dues. Interest received, through proper investment of the donation from the Crocodile Foundation will help.