Dear Rotarians

Norzan and I have completed the first day of training at the Rotary International Assembly (IA) today.

It was a full day waking up early in time for breakfast at 7.45am. By 8.30am, we have to start walking into the huge ballroom to attend the first plenary session where RI president Ron Burton declared opened the session followed by presentation of flags around the world where Rotary is present. It was interesting how they get the training leaders (facilitators) to be the flag bearers. As the name of each country was announced, the flag bearer came forward carrying the flag of that country and at the same time, audience was able to see the location of that country on a digital world map that formed the backdrop of the stage.

When all flags had been presented, each training leader was introduced followed by the introduction of past RI president, current RI board of directors and 2014-15 RI Board of directors all done by RonBurton. The flags of our 3 countries were displayed. Please my facebook page at Facebook ID ‘Andre Suharto’ to see the photos.

Kenneth Morgan, who is aide to the RI President Elect Gary Huang, went on stage to introduce Gary and Corina.

Gary Huang finally delivered his speech……his happy claps and how to say ‘Thank You’ in Mandarin. Eventually the 2014-15 RI Theme ‘Light Up Rotary’ was launched.

Our seats for the first plenary session were already assigned with Sergeant-At-Arms busy taking attendances on empty seats.

All DGE were spread across many breakout rooms thereafter in groups of 20 seating in U-shaped configuration.  I was in the group comprising mostly of DGEs from America, 2 DGEs from Philippines, 1 from India, 1 from Norway, 2 from Australia and 1 from Sweden.

Eventhough  I have been active in Rotary for slightly more than 27 years, I learnt so much from fellow DGEs. It was a tiring but satisfying day.

Norzan and I made many many many new friends…………….good nite and stay tune for tomorrow.

Dear Rotarians

Here is an update for 14 Jan 2014 (2nd day):

Breakfast was served commencing 7am until 8.30am.

The 3rd Plenary session commenced at 9am with presider RIP Ron Burton who made the call to order.

A Rotary Moment was shared by RI Director Elect from Turkey who spoke about a young girl who dreamed of being able to write on her own. A Rotary club in Turkey helped provide her with a pair of electronic prosthetic arms (yes she had no arms at all) that received signals from her brain. Training was also provided. After a while, she began to write her own letter for the very first time in her life. Rotary has fulfilled her dream.

The next speaker was past RI President Richard King who spoke about the ‘Uncommon Leader’. He was a very good inspiring speaker indeed and moved many of us with tears on two occasions during his address.

We were then split into breakout rooms of 10 DGEs after Refreshment Breaks to horn our skills on sharing our own Rotary Moments. My classmates were: 1 from the Philippines, 1 from Holland, 1 from Sweden, 1 from Norway, 1 from Mauritius, 1 from New Zealand and 3 from USA. I was fortunate to be able to hear very powerful Rotary Moments from my fellow classmates that strengthen my Rotary beliefs.

In the afternoon of the same day, we had a presentation on Public Image and an update on Polio by the Asst Director General of WHO who commended Rotarians for their untiring commitments to eradicate this disease from the face of this earth.

We finished our training by 5pm and had to rush to join Norzan in the Cultural Exchange where we gave away ‘Orang Utan’ clip-on to many attendees. We brought 550 pieces of them and it is nearly finished.

By 5.30pm my wife and I had to rush back to the room for a quick shower and changed into our traditional Malay attire.

We had to assemble by 6.30pm where every DGE and their spouses were all dressed up in their traditional country attire. It was so amazingly inspiring. RI provided us with the country signage to carry. We had to line up in alphabetical order. Unfortunately the country signage for Msia was taken by D3300 DGE Kirenjit Kaur and there was only country signage for Singapore (while country signage for Brunei was not provided which I hope to enquire from RI why it was so). I had no choice but ended up carrying only a single country signage bearing the name Singapore eventhough I represent 3 countries. Luckily I brought the flags of Msia, Singapore and Brunei (as well as American flag – to show respect to the host country). I sticked these 3 flags on top of the signage and waive it proudly as I marched into the ballroom. My attire attracted lots of people taking photos by asking me to stop for a pose. It was indeed very international. An awesome experience indeed. In that ballroom, there were 1300 people who subsequently sat down for a served dinner.

Lion dance and Dragon dance performances were also shown that evening.

By 9.30pm, my wife and I decided to retire because we have to go for breakfast at 6.30am for a session that will start by 8.20am. We must be in mind that the huge number of Rtns staying in the hotel makes it quite long to wait for the lifts.

That’s all for the 2nd day report…….

Dear Rotarians

Here is an update for 15 Jan 2014 (3rd day):

Today breakfast was served at 6.30am!

We began singing the RI Theme Song for 2014-15 in Taiwanese Chinese! Everyone has to learn it and I happy to say many participated and tried hard to learn and eventually I could see from the movement of their lips, most of them can at least pronounce one Chinese word in the song…..

By 8.30am sharp, Incoming RI President Gary called the session to order.  He later announced that as of that morning, the International Assembly already received US$811,000 contribution to TRF by all DGEs except 24. Lucky that I had managed to submit my contribution to TRF 2 days ago. I would not want to put D3310 to shame.

Today (Wednesday) is only half day for all of us.

So after listening to another Rotary Moments by one of RI Director and followed by a speech by John Hewko the General Secretary (do you know that he is a member of a club in Ukraine?). Lunch was served and then it was free and leisure. What a relief and I think we all need a break because we had not been out of the hotel at all since we checked-in on Sunday, 12 Jan.

Norzan and I decided to take the Trolley (or tram) to the Old Town for some sightseeing and then returned to the ‘Downtown’ where we are staying and did a leisurely walked. We then had our own dinner at a café nearby the hotel and retired to the room to do some home work……..yes there are homework that we need to do to fill up our workbook because we have to prepare ourselves for evaluation and action plans.

For your information, the theme jackets that the DGEs were supposed to be wearing (assuming that they bought it) for the photo session with RI Pres Elect Gary, did not arrive yet until today. Lucky that I did not make the jacket because I was worried in case the measurements that I was suppose to email to them many months ago, were not accurate. So I decided to buy the material and have them tailored backhome.

We did not realize that we have now completed half of the trainings.

Kind regards
Haji Andre Suharto (signing off from Rotary International Assembly in San Diego)
District Governor 2014-2015 | District 3310 – Brunei, Singapore & part of Malaysia (East Malaysia, Johor & Melaka States)
Mobile: +60.12.8989.980

Rotary Theme Song 2014-15

It’s Rotary

Rotary Theme Song 2014-15 (Lyrics) – English


Thank God, thank heaven and thank earth
I thank every member who inspires me to be
a real Rotarian with true love
Let’s cherish every opportunity to contribute
Through one’s lifetime, it is rare to make
true partners like Rotarian.
It’s our Rotary where elites
of various trades and professions
gather together for common ideals to bring
forth a new spirit of life.
It’s our Rotary, we have no fear facing any obstacle,
Road of Rotary,
We’ll walk with hope and love!

Rotary Theme Song 2014-15 (Lyrics) – Chinese


Gam Xia Tin
Gam Xia De
Gam Xia Da Ge
Yong Jing Jieng
Ga Goo Le Jung Gun Zai Bue
Ai Din Xiu
Mui Ji Le
Hu Tsu e Gi Hue
Lin Xieng Lan Di u Yen Lai Zhe Hue
It’s Our Rotary
Xia Mi Lin Tsai Long Di Jia
Ui Diu Li Xiong
Wa Tsu Shin e Si Mia
It’s Our Rotary
Xia Mi Kun Lan Long m Giann
Road of Rotary
We’ll walk with Hope and Love

12 Jan 2014

13 Jan 2014

14 Jan 2014

15 Jan 2014