Dear Rotarians and friends,

Today, I am pleased to inform you that DG Chew Ghim Bok and I have officially received a formal report (enclosed below) from Governor Edgar Chiongbian of district 3860. There is also an attached file acknowledgement-receipt-of-donation for your perusal.

Well, for completeness, I have requested for photos of the repaired damaged schools and I shall share them later. Thank you very much.

With best wishes,
PP Dr Ho


Dear Classmate DG Chew Ghim Bok,

Please find attached our acknowledgement receipt of your donation to our district disaster relief fund. We would like to thank you again for your kind generosity and please extend our regards to all the Rotarians in your district. We are now on our rebuilding and recovery phase and will work on the livelihood program within the next few months.

We are grateful that you have sent Dr Ho to visit our disaster affected areas that were damaged during the super typhoon Yolanda. He has helped us tremendously on our relief efforts and was able to get a first hand view of the terrible tragedy that fell upon the poor victims of the calamity.

I am certain that Dr Ho has you already appraised you and the district of our situation and the relief activities in our district. He has taken a lot photos and when he was here said that he will provide this documentation to you and district file. If you would like, we can also provide you with copies of receipts on our purchases towards your donation.

We appreciate very much the very large amount of donation of P2,155,113.50 you gave to our district disaster fund. The money you sent helped us very much, especially in the early part of our relief campaign when our district had no funds left after the earthquake that devastated the province of Bohol in our district just 3 weeks prior to the typhoon Yolanda.

Wishing you the best for the new year 2014 and a great finish on your term as district governor of District 3310.

Best regards,

DG Edgar Chiongbian
District 3860, Philippines