Dear Rotarians and friends,

Today, I received a proposal on ‘ROTARY TOOL LIBRARY PROJECT,’ a meaningful community service project in the Philippines for your consideration.

Please peruse the attached file on the project for more information.

Basically, this worthy project is to help disaster affected families rebuild their homes with basic tools that can be reused from one community to the next to reach out to as families as possible.

Rotarian Maita Manglapus of Rotary Club of Mactan, of R.I. District 3860, will help
oversea the responsible implementation of the project.

To kick start, President-Elect Chin of Rotary Club of Kulai has agreed to sponsor
USD1,000, and I am inviting you or your club to participate. And any amount is most welcome.

I look forward to your active participation.

Thank you.

With best wishes,
Dr Ho