Dear Rotarians,

Good morning. From latest news reports and TV coverage, we all can see that the latest super Typhoon Haiyan disaster in the Philippines is really very very bad.
Worse than the Typhoon Bopha disaster last December 2012. More than 1,200 deaths, and vast devastation over a wider area.

There is urgent call from our Philippines Rotarians to help the affected victims.

DG Chew Kim Bok has agreed to help and agrees to do another fund-raising
exercise to help humanity and change lives.

DG Chew Ghim Bok is appealing to clubs and individuals to donate generously.
To kick-start the campaign, the district is giving RM10,000. DG Chew Ghim Bok looks forward to your strongest support again.

Here are the banking details:

1. For Malaysian clubs:
Rotary International District 3310,
CIMB account number 0102 5002 0430 52

2. The Singapore Bank account details:
Maybank Account No: 0421 0506 442

Please send a note or copy of your bank-in slip about the donation to me

I will post updates regularly. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,
PP Dr Ho Loon Shin
Chair, District 3310 Disaster Relief Committee 2013-14