Dear Rotarians

The recently concluded Council on Legislation decided that District Assembly is now referred to as ‘District Training Assembly’ to reflect more appropriately the focus on training in this event.

The organizing committee for the 24th District Training Assembly met yesterday in Johor Bahru and resolved to have the acronym for this event as ‘DISTAS’.

The 24th DISTAS will be held on 28-30 March 2014 (starting with the official opening on the evening of 28th March 2014 and scheduled to end at 1pm on 30th March 2014).

PETS (President-Elects Training Seminars) will be held on 27-28 March 2014 (starting at 1pm on 27th March and scheduled to end at 5.30pm on 28th March 2014).

All training programs will be worked out by DGN Philip Chong as the incoming district trainer and his committee.

Venue is at KSL Hotel & Resorts in Johor Bahru.

It is mandatory for all incoming club presidents to attend PETS. If for some reasons, attendance is not possible, please send me an email to explain.

The host club for this event is Rotary Club of Kulai and the organizing chairman is PP Dolly Yeap.

PP Dolly and her able committee have started working to give everyone value for money where you will not only receive Rotary related trainings based on your portfolio, you will also be exposed to learning materials which will benefit your business and professional works and at the same time having lots of fun.

Spouse program is also being worked out.  Stay tuned for more information.

Kind regards

DGE Haji Andre Suharto


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