Latest Updates: 11 October 2012

Dear Presidents, Secretaries of
all clubs of Melacca & Johor,

Please be reminded that the forthcoming District 3310 Rotary Foundation Seminar is on 20th October, 2012, from 1.30pm – 6.00pm. Rotary Club of Kulai is the host club and the venue of the seminar is at Hall C, Ji Guan Restaurant, Kulai. A fellowship dinner will be organized for participants at the same venue at 6.30pm. The dinner is optional but you are encouraged to join. Seminar fee is RM30.00 and dinner (optional) cost is RM25.00 per head.

As the date is drawing closer, please encourage as many of your members as possible to register for this seminar.

The attached files contains full details of the seminar including registration forms and a local map for the seminar venue.


RC Kulai
Organizing Committee Chair
District 3310 Rotary Foundation Seminar

Materials For Download


14th August 2012
No. 163-A, Jalan Gemilang 5, Taman Gemilng, 81000 Kulaijaya, Johor

The Presidents
Rotary Clubs of Group 1-4
(Malacca and Johor)
District 3310

Dear Presidents


We are pleased to inform you that Rotary Club of Kulai has undertaken to organize this years’ District Rotary Foundation Seminar for the Malacca and Johor region.

The Date, time and venue are as follows :

Date : 20th October, 2012 (Saturday)
Time : 1.30pm to 5.30pm
Venue : Hall 3, Restoran Ji Guan
Lot 1, Mas Mart, Jalan Mas 4
81000 Kulaijaya, Johor.

As Rotary Foundation is a very important avenue of service in Rotary, we encourage all clubs to actively participate in this forthcoming seminar.

Attached is a registration form for your members to register.

You could either email your registration form to me as Organizing Chair at or fax it to my office 607-6612999 for my attention. Payment can be made by cash/cheque when you are here for the seminar, if registration is done through email.

Alternatively, you may also mail your registration form with your cheque write payable to “Rotary Club of Kulai”, mailing address as below :

Rotary Club of Kulai C/o No. 163-A, Jalan Gemilang 5, Taman Gemilang, 81000 Kulai, Johor.

Closing date is 30th September, 2012.

Thank you

Yours Sincerely


Organizing Chair

District 3310 Rotary Foundation Seminar 2012/13