Background on this Fund Raising project :
For the past 9 years, our Rotary Club of Kuching has been actively organising rural health missions into the interior of Sarawak. We are doing these missions together with volunteer doctors from the Sarawak General Hospital as well as our own pool of Rotarian medical personnel from District 3310, who make regular visits into the remote interior of Sarawak, offering medical and dental services to very poor nomadic Penans and remote villagers in the Ulu Baram.
Annually 4 missions are carried out, with each medical mission benefitting approximately 350 patients per mission and will cost
anything between RM8,500 – RM10,800. These costs will entail medical supplies and equiptment, transport and food for team members. The services of the medical and dental personnel who tend to the patients, are provided free of charge.
The patients we have treated have no access to the Government’s Flying Doctor Services. More visits are planned over the next 2 years and beyond, and the need to provide adequate follow-up visits to treat these very poor sick patients remains as critical as ever.
To raise funds for these rural health missions, Our Rotary Club of Kuching is organising a Fund Raising Concert, featuring the
internationally-acclaimed University of the Philippines Concert Chorus (UPCC). They are a veteran of 20 world concert tours, and they hold the distinction of having been chosen as “one of the world’s best choirs” at the 4th Lincoln Centre International Choral Festival in New York city in 2006. They also hold the singular honour of having been requested four times to do command performances before Queen Elizabeth II.
We are humbly seeking your kind support to contribute to this very worthwhile cause. Any amount of financial support is most welcome. Tickets for the concert are priced at RM50 or RM30 each.
Through our Rotary Club’s collaboration with the Social Welfare Council of Sarawak on this fund raising effort, all donations and
financial contributions are eligible for a Tax Exempt Receipt. All such donations must be made payable to ‘SOCIAL WELFARE COUNCIL OF SARAWAK”.
I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to call me on my mobile (016 8600800) if you need any further information.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Audry Wan Ullok
Organising Chairperson
Rotary Club of Kuching UPCC Fund Raising 2012