All Past Presidents in our District are strongly encouraged to attend the Past Presidents Forum 2012 which is being specially organized for them at the upcoming District Assembly.  This is an excellent avenue for Past Presidents to share their views and give feedback to our District Leaders on:

  • how some of our key District activities can serve and engage Clubs more effectively and
  • how they can come forward and serve more effectively at Club and District level

Date:   Saturday, 24 March 2012      Time:   1.30pm to 5.30pm

Venue: The Grand Paragon Hotel, Johor Bahru

Cost:    S$65 or RM150 (for PPs not registered for District Assembly and it includes Governor’s Banquet and House of Friendship.  The Forum is included for all PPs registered to the District Assembly).

How To Register

Registration is via the District Assembly Registration Form.  Please refer to your Club President, if you need help or more information on this.


From the feedback and suggestions received, District Officers shall develop action points and policies that can be formulated and approved officially (including, if it need be, for the issues to be brought to the attention of the Council of Past Governors for advice and guidance) for successful adoption by all clubs/Rotarians in District 3310.


The format of the Past Presidents Forum shall be a Discussion Workshop whereas the Forum Moderators shall focus topical questions at and from participants which shall be addressed by the Forum Panelists.

Who Should Attend?

All Past Presidents with the passion to perform Rotary Service and bring our Clubs and District to the next level of excellence


1.30pm                        Introduction to Forum Panelists

Setting of Forum Guidelines, Code of Conduct and identifying areas of discussion.

1.45pm                        Session1:        Membership Development

– How are you contributing to Membership Development?

– What should the District do for Clubs’ Membership Development?

3.00pm                        Tea break

3.15pm                        Session 2:       Public Relations

– Are we doing enough Public Relations at Club and District level?

– What else can be done to improve Rotary’s Public image?

4.15pm                        Session 3:       Open Discussion

– Why are our Clubs and Rotarians not engaging at District level more?

– How can we get more Clubs/Rotarians involved at District level?

– What can the District do for you and you for the District?

5.15pm   — Thank You note by DGE Lee Kong Hwee and end of Forum.

Note: Questions posted above are indicative, and PPs are encouraged to bring up any other issues/questions related to the above topics during the Forum.

Forum Guidelines and Code of Conduct

The Past Presidents Forum has a long and past tradition at Assemblies. The goal of this Forum is to promote topical discussions among the Past Presidents in our District.  This Forum is a Rotary Forum, so it is important that we all treat each other with respect and courtesy.

There are certain guidelines you should be aware of which shall ensure a smooth running of the Forum:

  • Use the Golden Rule: Respect, respect, respect!  Respect these guidelines for the Forum and as set by the Moderators and have a great sharing session.

  • Do not get Personal: Personal attacks on persons or Clubs will not be tolerated. Please praise or criticize, in a constructive way and give specific examples or evidence as to why it is good or bad. General attacks of any kind on any person or Club or idea will be curtailed.

  • Stay on Topic: Responses to any question should be on-topic and pertain to the discussion and please do not stray and prolong the Forum session.
  • Do not Engage in Heated Banter: Do not inspire heated rhetoric or raise pointless or offensive questions.  Keep the tone of the Forum positive with a view to achieving the objectives of the Forum.

  • The Four-Way Test: Please be constantly guided by Rotary’s Four-Way Test at all times.

  • Moderators: Moderators shall have the final say to whether questions posed from participants shall receive appropriate response, and the time duration for questions and responses.

* Some excerpts from: Carvewrite Forums

Forum Panelists

Forum Moderators

Forum Advisor

DGE Lee Kong Hwee

PP Brown Pereira

PDG Dr Wu Dar Ching

DGN1 Chew Ghim Bok

PP Ravi Velu

DGN2 Andre Suharto