
Why UN-Rotary Day in District 3310: Purely a Millennium Development Goal [MDG], a partnership and networking event to promote Public Awareness on this ‘Mission’ for the apolitical betterment of the world.

In a November 1991 the RI Board item entitled “United Nations, its Agencies and Nongovernmental Organizations as a Target Audience for RI Public Relations,” the Public Relations Committee stated:

    ‘After reviewing the history of RI’s relationship with the United Nations and its agencies, the committee agreed that increasing RI’s liaison with these organizations should be an important part of the implementation of the master public relations plan. The purpose of such action would be increased recognition of RI as a distinguished, effective organization working toward common goals.’

    Strategic priorities and goals:

    The revised strategic plan, effective 1 July 2010, identifies three strategic priorities supported by 16 goals, for one: J.W. Arnold, Public Image Resource Group Coordinator for Enhancing Public Image and Increasing Awareness at “Hiding Our Light Under a Barrel”, No More! “For many years Rotary clubs did good works in private, not seeking publicity, and resting on the premise that the good deed stood on its own, and it was somehow unseemly to call attention to it. However, times change, and one of the inescapable facts of life is that public image is important for the Rotary organization, and vital if membership development efforts are to be successful.

    Enhancing Public Image and Increasing Awareness. This includes:

    • Unify image and brand awareness
    • Publicize action-oriented service
    • Promote core values
    • Emphasize vocational service
    • Encourage clubs to promote their networking opportunities and signature

    Our ‘Mission’ in D3310, in summary, the UN awareness for:
    : – Rotary’s brand
    : – problems in our region to galvanise actions
    : – Rotary and Rotary’s work in advancing the MDGs and PolioPlus
    : – promote cross-sector collaborations/ co-operation from the public
