Dear Club Presidents,

For those who attended the Shelterbox workshop at the district conference recently, I am sure you were equally impressed with the wonderful work that shelterbox does worldwide.

Some of you have asked me how to make the donations to shelterbox. For your information, DG Hj. Zainie has already set up a ‘SHELTERBOX 3310’ committee in our district. Therefore, it is prudent that you send all donations to the dist, which will coordinate the donations from respective clubs, individuals, NGOs and corporate bodies, and submit them all together to shelterbox international, based in UK.

I shall be attaching a DONATION FORM for all of you soon. In the meantime, please arrange with your club members, other NGOs, individuals and/or corporate bodies which are keen to make the donations to shelterbox. Do be reminded that each donated shelterbox will have a personal number which the donor can trace the whereabouts of his/her donated shelterbox in the shelterbox website:

You can be assured that your donation(s) will go to the intended victim(s).

With Kind Regards.

Edward Sung Burongoh
Governor: 2008-09 – ‘Make Dreams Real’
RI Dist 3310
H/P: +6019-8215557
FAX: +6088-435395