Dear Club Presidents,

The first District Membership Seminar will kick off in one week time, first 6th August 2011 (Saturday) at Kota Kinabalu, then 7th August 2011 (Sunday) at Tawau, followed by 20th August 2011 (Saturday) at Kuching. This is a very important event for our District tohelp to grow our membership beyond strategic number of 2,000.

From the recent reports of Regional Chairs and AGs, we have achieved 30% penetration for most of the clubs in Sabah, Sarawak, Labuan FT and Brunei. However, I would like to stress that this seminar is a “replacement” of your regular weekly meeting, which means your club will cancel the weekly club meeting one week prior or after the seminar. This will not add extra burden to the Rotarians. The normal attendance for a weekly club meeting is 50%, and I urge all of you to work on 40% member participation from your club. This is highly achievable with your active support and promotion to your club members.

I have reiterated the importance of this seminar in my note to all of you on 13 July, and hope that you will give your 100% support to this district endeavour.

To encourage clubs and Rotarians to follow up after the seminar, we will create two categories of awards for members this year as our recognition of their effort, namely:-

Quantitative Awards

1. Club

a. Club crossed over 20 members in RY2011-12
b. Club with the highest number of net increase (Big clubs and small clubs)
c. Club with the highest percentage of net increase (big clubs and small clubs)
d. Club will consistent plan of membership recruitment and retention

2. AG/Regional Chair
a. AG/Regional Chair with the greatest number of increase of members and also percentage
b. The hard working AG/Regional Chair in membership drive

3. Individual
a. Rotarians who bring more than 3 members for RY 2011-12

Qualitative Awards
1. Innovative and creative club (DG to decide)

I look forward to meeting all of you at your regional seminar.

Yours in Rotary,
Hj Zainie Abdul Aucasa