My Fellow Rotarians,

I am back after almost two weeks away abroad and had a few days to recover for the jet lag.

Back to Rotary matters almost immediately attending to about 519 urgent e-mails, majority are Rotary e-mails. My apologies to those who are yet to receive any reply from me but surely I will get to you within the next few days.

Some clubs are still having their Installations. My wife and I graced the installation of President Lawrence Thien and the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu on the 9th July 2011. It was a very successful and

enjoyable evening. This Saturday we will witness the Installation of President Lee Yik Soon of the Rotary Club of Kota Kinabalu South and on Sunday 17th July, the Installation of President Franco Lee of the Rotary Club of Tawau Tanjung. Again, my sincere apologies to those clubs whose invitations I had to decline because of the clashes in the dates. Kalimah and I wish all of you a successful and enjoyable Installation evening.

Today we submitted to R.I our District’s application for PR Grant. This is the application received from RC Jurong Town for a PR project to showcase to the Singapore media about a Rotary lead charity initiative that will engage youths and needy ageing seniors in the community. We look forward to the good news
from R.I.

The Rotaractors will be having the Rotaract District Assembly (RDA) this coming 30-31 July at the Ngee Ann Polytechnic. I urge all sponsoring Rotary clubs to assist as many of their Rotaractors to attend this important training event. For more details on this, kindly contact DRR Sorensen Lau at +60165559151 (hand phone) or e-mail her at or PP Derek Cheah at +60127718222 (hand phone) or e-mail him at

The District Chair for Vocational Service PP Michael Yee will be updating the District Vocational Directory which was done during the tenure of PDG Dr. Wu Dar Ching. All clubs will soon receive the appropriate forms to update particulars of their members.

For those intending to attend the R.I Convention in Bangkok in May 2012, I suggest that they make early hotel reservations before the hike in the hotels rates as great members of Rotarians from this region are expected to attend. I understand some Assistant Governors are already coordinating with clubs under them to make the arrangements.

Until my next mail, best wishes and kind regards.