Dear Rotarians,

Happy New Year 2011 to all.

This is the first promotion for Registration for Presidents Elect Training Seminar [PETS] and District Assembly [DA].
Date for PETS: 07th April, 2011: 1.00 pm Training Sessions: 7.00 pm:Fellowship Dinner:
08th April, 2011:Training: 8.00 am to 6.00 pm {PETS program end here}
Venue: ZON Regency Hotel by the sea
The cost for PETS is RM 300.00. {S$ 130.00}
District Assembly:

Club Members/CLP Chairs [RY 2011-2012] are recommended to attend the District Assembly.
Date for DA: 08th April, 2011: Welcoming Dinner 7.00 pm [Opening Ceremony]
09th April, 2011: Assembly 8.00 am till 6.00 pm: Governor’s Banquet: 7.00 pm onwards
10th April, 2011: Plenary Sessions and Closing Ceremony
Venue: ZON Regency Hotel by the sea
The Cost for District Assembly is RM 400.00 {S$ 170.00} [inclusive of Welcoming Dinner [Friday 08th April 7.00 pm] and Governor’s Banquet [Saturday 09th April, 2011]

Please note:
1. Details for Registration for Hotel and Registration for PETS and DA are in the attachment of this email.
If you are bookng your Hotel stay directly, please inform the Hotel Registration you are booking under PETS and DA. The rates are given in this attachmnet. [Only a fixed number of Rooms have been reserved, so please make your bookings early, thank you.]

2. All Registration must be accompanied by cheque payment for PETS and DA and sent to:
PP Joseph Chua, in the Physical Secretariat. Please ensure that the cheques are made out correctly, to avoid inconvenience/problem,etc.
Cheques for the Hotel Bookings must be made separately.

You can find the Promotional PPTx and soft copies of the Registration Forms, etc in our D3310 Website.

Best regards,

Yours in Rotary,
Bella Khor
OC 21st RI D3310 PETS and DA
RC Johor Straits View