Dear Rotarians,

RYLA Johor 2010 for Johor, Malacca and Singapore is here again, this year RYLA theme is “Abundances in Life”.

We adopt the ” Blue Ocean Strategy”, which we focus on abundances in life, win-win strategy, sharing and building inner strength.

RYLA ohor 2010 is organized by Rotary Club of Johor Centennial, Rotary eClub of 3310 and Rotary Club of Kota Tinggi.It is held at Tanjung Sutera Resort, Sedili Besar, Tanjung Sedili, Kota Tinggi on 9th to 12th December 2010.

The price at RM400 per participant is heavily subsidied.

Please register your Interactors, Rotaractors and youth age 14 to 22 years old asap as we are only taking 80 youth in total.

For further information, please contact Organizing chairman Rtn Corbin Embrey at 0127006686 or Fancy Tan 019 7789105 or (Spore) PP Edmund Chew 0296317749 or (Malacca) PP Chia Cheng Wee 0196555166 attached forms for your perusal.

Fancy Tan

District RYLA Chair 2010
