Dear Rotarians:
Continuing our series of decentralized District Membership Seminars throughout the district, we are delighted to announce the forthcoming District Membership Seminar for Sarawak. Below are the seminar program and important registration information:
Seminar Programme
0900-0930 Registration
0930-0935 Welcome Address: President S K Tan, Rotary Club of Kuching
0935-1005 DG Dr K A Abraham District Membership Goals, Recent Trends, and the Way Forward
1005-1035 PP Dr John Chan Membership Development in Sarawak: Problems, Issues, Solutions
1035-1050 Coffee Break
1050-1135 PDG Edward Sung Burongoh CLP and Membership Development
1135-1200 PP Michael Yee Key Membership Development Issues
1200-1300 Fellowship Lunch
1300-1330 DGN Lee Kong Hwee Public Image and Membership
1330-1415 PP Leong Chee Woh Managing and Sustaining Membership Growth
1415-1445 PDG Dr Wu Dar Ching Challenges to Rotary and Membership Development
1445-1500 Coffee Break
1500-1530 DGE Hj Zainie Abdul Aucasa Enjoy Rotary: The Way to Membership Growth
1530-1615 Panel Discussions / Q&A Session. Chair: PP Dr John Chan
1615-1625 Closing Remarks: DG Dr K A Abraham
1625-1630 Thank You and Farewell: AG Audry Wan Ullok, Rotary Club of Kuching
Important Information:
Date: Saturday, 9 October 2010
Time: 0930-1630
Venue: Telang Usan Hotel, Ban Hock Road, 93724 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia
Registration Fee: RM50 net per Rotarian
Registration: Register individually or through your Club President
Contact Person: PP Dr John Chan
Mobile: +60 16 863 0536
Contact me if you have questions.
Thanks and regards,
PP Michael Yee
Chair, District Membership Development Committee 2010-11
Mobile: +65 9616 8080