Rotary International News — 18 August 2010

In response to the floods that have devastated Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province since 23 July, The Rotary Foundation Board of Trustees is accepting contributions to help fund Rotary projects that will support long-term disaster recovery in the affected areas. Rotarians, clubs, and districts can contribute both cash and District Designated Fund (DDF) allocations to the Rotary Pakistan Flooding Fund. This account is being administered through the Foundation’s Matching Grants program.

In their application, Matching Grant project partners can pledge DDF and cash contributions and request that they be matched by the Pakistan fund during the 2010-11 and 2011-12 Rotary years. Applications received by the Foundation for recovery projects in Pakistan will be reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis and will be approved by the Pakistan fund. All the current Matching Grant guidelines and criteria will apply to these projects, including restrictions regarding construction and renovation.

* Download the Rotary Pakistan Flooding Fund DDF contribution form and learn more about cash donations.
* For more information, read the Rotary Pakistan Flooding Recovery Information Guide.