Rotary International News — 16 August 2010

At the June 2010 RI Board of Directors meeting, members encouraged clubs to have their own club trainer. The club trainer can organize new member orientation, provide ongoing training opportunities for members, and lead strategic planning meetings.

If your club doesn’t already have one, consider appointing someone with a training or education background who can enhance your club’s training program.

Learn more about this position and other training ideas.

The club trainer, who is appointed by the club president, works with club leaders to create training programs that meet the club’s needs. Club trainers may also work with the district training committee, assistant governor, and governor.

A club-level training program should:
* Ensure that club leaders attend district meetings
* Provide consistent and regular orientation for new members
* Offer ongoing educational opportunities for current members
* Create a leadership-skills development program for all members
* Help the club to create a strategic plan

To see how a trainer might help your club, see the list of club trainer responsibilities.
Leadership development program

Clubs can create a leadership development program to develop members’ personal, professional, and club leadership skills. Clubs and districts wishing to offer this program should consider including the following topics:
* Communication skills
* Leadership styles
* Leading and motivating volunteers
* Mentoring
* Time management
* Goal setting and accountability
* Strategic planning
* Ethics and The Four-Way Test
* Building consensus
* Teamwork

Strategic planning

Club trainers can help Rotary clubs implement a strategic plan, which includes a vision of where the club would like to be in three years and its long-range and annual goals.

The strategic planning process should involve past, current, and incoming club leaders to include a variety of perspectives. Once your club develops a strategic plan, be sure to regularly evaluate your goals and vision and to make adjustments as needed.