Rotary International is seeking qualified Rotarians to serve as panelists for an upcoming webinar on club website best practices and is holding a series of webinars.

“Developing a Club Website” is the first in a series of webinars about best practices for various types of electronic communications. The webinar will offer Rotarians information about developing and maintaining an informative, user-friendly club website.

If you have recently helped redesign your club’s or district’s website, please share your expertise and knowledge with other Rotarians about what you’ve learned by being a webinar panelist. The club website webinar will be held twice in October: Wednesday, 13 October, at 10:00 CDT and Wednesday, 20 October, at 18:00 CDT . (Times are for the Chicago area. Please check for your local time .)

Other webinars in the series will address social media (February) and newsletters (April).

Sign up now to be considered as a panelist. The deadline for signing up as a panelist for Developing a Club Website is 23 August.

If you can’t access the form for signing up, please e-mail your information to .