Dear Rotarians,

Once again the annual Interact Leadership Training Camp for Singapore Interactors will be held from 21-22 Aug 2009 at the MOE Dairy Adventure Camp.

The 2-day residential event entails leadership training facilitated by Rotaractors and Rotarians as well as high challenge adventure element by certified instructors. The sponsorship cost for the full board event is SGD100 per participant inclusive insurance, certificate and handbook. Around 80 Interact leaders are expected to attend.

Key board members, namely President, Secretary, Treasurer, Directors – Community Service and International Service have been invited through teacher advisors and sponsoring Rotary Clubs to attend the training camp. Other board members and teacher advisors are also welcomed.

For enquiry, please contact ILTC Convenor, PP Koh Juay Meng of Rotary Club of Singapore at

Yours in Rotary
Jimmy Ooi – District 3310 Youth Resource Coordinator