Dear DGs, DGEs, ARCs & DRCs,

The Zone 6B website for all has been ready for some information
necessary for all of you , your districts and clubs.

Please visit it — — often for some information. I try to send out update information to all of you as soon as possible. Now, the web master is working very hard because there’s a lot of information waiting for posting on the web.

If you need any answers of any questions please send me the e-mail
message and then I’ll find the answers for all of you. If you’d like
to post any articles or blog necessary for others , please also send
me those. I’d like all of us sharing information , news and any
activities among 9 districts, any interesting or successful projects
are welcome to post on the web.

RI president will visit our web, so it will be our good chance to
communicate what we would like him to know about us.

Special notes for DGS and ARCs and DRCs, please check your photo in
the web and send me the color one as soon as possible. Please delete
the old structure of RC’s Team , I have to post a new one soon. I was
recommened to change it because it might look as if the Rc was over
the DGs and that wasn’t our intent. We have to make this work clear to
all , otherwise it may be understood. So, please check and use the
structure I now have in the web and wait for a new one later.

The powerpoints on strategic plan I presented at the multi-district
seminar will be posted for you to adapt and use in your district. Any
districts can discuss for your their own goal and objectives to make
our clubs and districts bigger,better and bolder. All RC team will
support all of you in every possible way.

Best wishes,
PDG Saowalak

Link to the Zone 6B Website