Dear Rotarians,

We are pleased that the district is now actively responding to the urgent appeal for help in the devastating Pakistan flood disaster that has affected more than 10 millions people.

As DG Dr Abraham has said, we are doing fund-raising to raise cash. Cash is king in this kind of disaster work. To lead by example, DG has decided the district will make an initial donation of RM10,000.

And as chair for the disaster relief committee I am appealing to all clubs to donate generously to this fund-raiding effort. We have done well in similar effort in the past and we should do — can do — well again to help the badly affected folks.

The district has a CIMB Bank account in Johore Branch (Taman Pelangi branch).Please issue the account under the name ROTARY INTERNATIONAL DISTRICT 3310 AND CREDIT THE CHEQUE at the cheque deposit machine under account no: 01025002043052.

I am also trying to get the district Singapore bank account details. Will update soon.

When you have bank-in, please kindly inform President Jayapal, the district treasurer. I appreciate a cc. email too.

Thank you very much.

Yours sincerely,
PP Dr Ho Loon Shin

— On Thu, 8/12/10 —
From: Kochitty Abraham
Subject: Pakistan Flood Disaster Relief

Date: Thursday, August 12, 2010, 1:10 AM

Dear AGs and District Treasurer

We need to respond to the great need of the flood victims in Pakistan.

Speaking to the Pakistan High Commissioner, she says that the immediate need is cash. Please encourage all clubs to make donations
and send it to District Treasurer Jayapal. Please indicate that it is for “Pakistan Flood Disaster Relief Fund” When we have received it we can send it to the Pakistan High commission in Singapore. I will let
Jayapal know how to send it. Dr Ho -District Disaster Relef committee
will also help to remind clubs.

Rotarians will always respond to needs like this, no matter where and
to whom it happens. They need our help now and let us lend a helping hand. Thank you

DG Dr Abraham