Rotary International News — 23 July 2010
Rotary International offers myriad resources to help Rotarians build effective clubs. Effective clubs are able to achieve the Object of Rotary by
* Sustaining or increasing their membership base
* Implementing successful service projects that address the needs of their community and communities in other countries
* Supporting The Rotary Foundation through both financial contributions and program participation
* Developing leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level
Explore the tools listed below, and share your favorite RI resources in the comments section.
Club membership
* Club Leadership Plan – A guide to strengthen Rotary clubs
* Club Assessment Tools – Contains the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs , as well as a variety of membership surveys
* How to Propose a New Member – Outlines the steps for proposing new Rotary club members
* RI Web site: Running a Club section – Offers ideas and information to help strengthen clubs
* Rotary Basics – Provides an overview of Rotary that can help inform new and prospective club members. The print resource also is available . (PDF)
* New club treasurer’s manual – Club treasurers now have their own manual included in the Club Officers’ Kit .
* Strategic Planning Guide – This guide and the accompanying worksheet provide clubs with a starting point for strategic planning.
* Rotary Minute – Why are you a Rotarian? What does Service Above Self mean to you? How can you get more involved? Hear answers to these questions and more from Rotarians around the world with Rotary Minute videos.