Rotary International News — 23 July 2010

Rotary International offers myriad resources to help Rotarians build effective clubs. Effective clubs are able to achieve the Object of Rotary by

* Sustaining or increasing their membership base
* Implementing successful service projects that address the needs of their community and communities in other countries
* Supporting The Rotary Foundation through both financial contributions and program participation
* Developing leaders capable of serving in Rotary beyond the club level

Explore the tools listed below, and share your favorite RI resources in the comments section.

Club membership
* Club Leadership Plan – A guide to strengthen Rotary clubs
* Club Assessment Tools – Contains the Planning Guide for Effective Rotary Clubs , as well as a variety of membership surveys
* How to Propose a New Member – Outlines the steps for proposing new Rotary club members
* RI Web site: Running a Club section – Offers ideas and information to help strengthen clubs
* Rotary Basics – Provides an overview of Rotary that can help inform new and prospective club members. The print resource also is available . (PDF)
* New club treasurer’s manual – Club treasurers now have their own manual included in the Club Officers’ Kit .
* Strategic Planning Guide – This guide and the accompanying worksheet provide clubs with a starting point for strategic planning.
* Rotary Minute – Why are you a Rotarian? What does Service Above Self mean to you? How can you get more involved? Hear answers to these questions and more from Rotarians around the world with Rotary Minute videos.

Link to RI page