July 2010 Board Meeting Highlights

The 2010-11 RI Board held its first meeting on 25-26 June 2010 in Montreal, Canada.

Club and District Matters

To encourage participation in multidistrict PETs, the Board authorized districts that have not attended such seminars within the previous five years to initiate or join an existing multidistrict PETS for a single year without first obtaining the consent of two-thirds of the clubs involved (as required policy) provided the incoming governors responsible for planning the proposed multidistrict PETS unanimously agree.

The Board amended its policy regarding club voting strength in district elections to require the governor to notify clubs in the district at least 15 days before the balloting regarding the number of votes to which the club is entitled.

Recognizing that governors have extensive responsibilities in managing and administering the clubs in their districts, the Board broadened their expense categories eligible for reimbursement from RI. Current governors will be provided details via email.

RI Administration and Finances

The Board welcomed the appointment of Thomas M. Thorfinnson as 2010-11 RI vice president, K.R. Ravindran as 2010-11 treasurer, and elected John Blount as chair of its executive committee. The Board confirmed its election of Stephen R. Brown, Dong Kurn Lee, Anne L. Matthews, and Kazuhiko Ozawa as Rotary Foundation trustees.

On recommendation of President Klinginsmith, the Board established the 2010-11 RI committees and resource group, and approved their terms of reference. The Board agreed that zones 1, 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 25, 28, and 31 shall select committees in 2010-11 to nominate RI directors for election at the 2012 RI convention.

The Board confirmed the 2010-11 RI budget with revenues of US$84,938,000 and expenses of US$84,054,000, and further approved The Rotary Foundation’s 2010-11 budget of US$93,157,000 million for Foundation programs that are funded with unrestricted Annual Programs Fund contributions.

International Meetings

Rotarians, alumni, and guests will be able to purchase one-day passes for New Orleans convention activities on Saturday, 21 May.