Rotaract and Interact key messages:

The RI Board has recently adopted key messages for Rotaract and Interact to help guide and focus the efforts of Rotarians, Rotaractors, and Interactors. Build stronger Interact and Rotaract programs in your district by sharing these messages with your district governor, district Rotaract and Interact committee chairs and representatives, and presidents of Rotary, Rotaract, and Interact clubs.

Key messages for the Rotaract program
• Promote Rotaract to maintain the continuity and growth of the program by using publications, video, the Internet, club presentations, district meetings, and other methods.
• Establish strong relationships between Rotaract clubs and their sponsor Rotary clubs. Involve Rotaractors in the life of the district, including regular meetings with sponsor Rotary clubs, attendance at district events, and working together on service projects. Welcome requests from Rotaractors for Rotarians to be involved in Rotaract activities.
• Create and help maintain strong, motivated Rotaract club membership with a diversity of ages between 18 and 30.
• Increase the capacity of Rotaract clubs to provide service through cooperation with the family of Rotary. Work together with Rotary, Interact, other Rotaract clubs, and groups such as RYLA participants and Rotary Foundation scholars on projects and activities.
• Provide training opportunities to Rotaract club officers and district Rotaract representatives.
• Develop future leaders through Rotaract. Mentor Rotaractors to increase their professional and leadership skills and encourage high ethical standards.
• Recognize clubs and individuals at the district level that have made outstanding service contributions through Rotaract or have strengthened the Rotary-Rotaract relationship.
• Welcome former Rotaractors into Rotary clubs. Create and maintain a district Rotaract alumni program in support of this effort.

Key messages for the Interact program

• Promote Interact to maintain the growth and continuity of the program. Use publications, video, the Internet, club presentations, and other methods. District Interact chairs and representatives should create a district Interact newsletter.
• Establish strong relationships between Interact clubs and their sponsor Rotary clubs. Invite Interactors to attend meetings of the sponsor Rotary club, and include them in service projects, such as polio eradication efforts. Suggest that Rotary clubs appoint an Interact committee.
• Share information about Rotary with Interactors to develop a lifelong interest in Rotary. Distribute Rotary publications such as the governor’s monthly letter, Rotary Leader, and The Rotarian or regional magazine to Interact clubs.
• Work with Interactors aging out of the Interact program or relocating, to find new potential Rotaract or Interact clubs.
• Consult with Interact clubs to develop a district wide service project for all Interact clubs.
• Ask Interactors to give presentations on their club’s projects at Rotary club and district meetings.
• Recognize Rotarians who are involved in Interact at the club and district level.