RI is excited to share that all district governors/governors-elect can now report and edit district appointments using Member Access on This online feature will make it easier and faster to notify RI of those key Rotarians supporting your district operations.
Selecting from a list of active Rotarians in your district, you can now automatically appoint chairs to your district committees. Appointments can be done all at once, or a few at a time, whichever approach works best for your schedule. You can also edit contact information and positions should a chair change. Once appointments are made, you can download a complete list of your district’s committee appointments, to post on your district website and share with club presidents or other Rotarians as needed.
Please note that RI collects district committee chair appointments in order to send program and policy information directly to these Rotarians. If your district doesn’t participate in a program or doesn’t have a committee that is listed, you may leave that appointment blank. If your district has a committee that isn’t on the list, you can either submit the chair under the RI appointment that most closely matches the committee’s purpose or not report that appointment to RI. All necessary appointments should be made by 31 December of your governor-elect year.
How to get started?
Log into Member Access on, and click “Forms” on the left-hand menu. Search for the Rotarian you will be appointing, and select the district committee to which you’ll appoint him or her to be chair.
District committee categories
Because Future Vision pilot districts are testing a new Rotary Foundation committee structure, the drop-down list shows three categories for district appointments: All Districts, Future Vision Pilot Districts, and Non-Pilot Districts.
Please make the appropriate appointments under All Districts, which include some Foundation subcommittees, and then under either Future Vision Pilot Districts or Non-Pilot Districts. Please leave those appointments open that your district does not have.
Note: The following three positions are not submitted through Member Access:
1. District Rotary Foundation committee chair — If this position, which is a three-year appointment, will be open during your year as governor, you’ll receive an e-mail notification from The Rotary Foundation before 31 December. Questions? E-mail TRF Administration.
2. District Rotaract representative (Rotaractor) — E-mail Data Services to make these appointments.
3. District Interact representative (Interactor) — E-mail Data Services to make these appointments.
For all other questions, please contact