Dear Club Presidents, Club Secretaries, PDG, District Officers,
The District Awards Commemorative Magazine 2009-2010 printed copy was launched during the 15th Installation Lunch of Rotary Club of Bugis Junction at the Singapore Zoo. The printed copies were shipped to each designated center for your collection:
1. Singapore — Rotary Family Service Center @ Clementi c/o Nidhi 96957569 nidhi@rotaryfoundat Blk 346 Clementi Avenue 5 #01-10 Singapore 120346
2. Johor and Malacca — Wisma Rotary Senai c/o PP Joseph Chua +60127137938 secretariat3310@ Wisma Rotary, 3310 Physical Secretariat 1, Jalan Bintang 2 Taman Bintang, 81400 Senai, Johor
3. Sarawak – c/o PP Andre Suharto +60128895889 andre.suharto@ my COMSERV (Sarawak) Sdn Bhd Lots 322 & 323, 1st & 2nd Floors, Lorong Rubber 12, 93400 Kuching, Sarawak
4. Sabah – c/o DGE Zaine Abdul Aucasa +60198505122 zaineaa@yahoo. com Suria Bumiria Sdn.Bhd, 4th Floor,wisma Perkasa, Jalan Gaya, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
PP James Hong have already shipped the allotment for your club, PDG and District Chairs under the club packing to the respective center with covering letter as per attached. You are requested to contact the person in charge for collection.
I thank you for your support and hope you will use this magazine for membership development and retention.
Yours In Rotary,
PP Alex Eow
District Awards Chair – 2009-2010 distribution-letterhead1