Dear fellow Rotarians

Attached is the INTERACT Committee’s goals for 2010/2011.
We are right now in the midst of planning a series of distributed ILTC (Interact Leadership Training Camp) which is the mandatory training for Presidents & BOD of Interact Clubs so as to equip them with the necessary skills & knowledge to perform their duties & responsibilities during their year of service.

Basically, ILTC is the Dist Assembly for Interactors.

For the benefit of any Rotary club intending to conduct their own ILTC, I have also attached the report on the last ILTC that was conducted by RC Singapore which has 10 Interact Clubs. Please note that we used a totally new approach in conducting ILTC which was a big hit with the Interactors (as you can see from their feedback). Compared to Quote “hours of boring lectures by Rotarians in the past” Unquote.

In addition, we have also received numerous requests to conduct a special “NEW GENERATIONS SEMINAR” alongside these ILTC training.

This special seminar is to provide Interact (and Rotaract) Teacher Advisors & Rotarian Advisors/SNG Directors with the necessary information on their duties & responsibilities as many teachers and Rotarians get appointed into these positions without being told of what they are required to do and may not know very much about Interact. Topics for this seminar would include:

1. What is Interact?
2. (including History of Interact, the 8 Goals of Interact, etc)
3. Structure of an Interact Club
4. Important dates in the Interact calendar
5. Getting to know the Who’s Who in Interact/RI/ D3310/sponsoring Rotary Club
6. RI’s Policy on Youth Abuse & Sexual Harassment
7. After Interact (Other Youth programs of Rotary)
8. Service-Learning; the New Paradigm in Community Service for Interact Clubs
9. Doing your Year Plan (including budgeting, presentation & report writing skills)
10. etc

I would like to solicit feedback/response from interested Rotarians on the above planned Interact programmes for this Rotary year. Please do drop me a line with your comments & suggestions.



Leslie PT Sim PHF

IPP, Rotary Club of Singapore Centennial 2010/2011

District Interact Chairman 2010/2011

Director (Singapore), Youth Exchange Programme 2010/2011