A new Rotary year is set to begin, and with it a number of changes to the way clubs and districts do business.

The annual per capita dues that Rotary clubs pay to Rotary International will increase to US$50 in 2010-11, as established by the 2007 Council on Legislation. The 2010 Council approved a $1 increase for the three subsequent years, setting per capita dues at $51 for 2011-12, $52 for 2012-13, and $53 for 2013-14.

The 2010 Council, which met in April, took several other actions that will go into effect 1 July:

E-clubs will become a permanent part of Rotary International after years of participating in a pilot project. Districts will be allowed up to two e-clubs, which are defined as Rotary clubs that meet through electronic communications. Some of the pilot e-clubs have been meeting solely through online forums, while others have combined electronic with in-person meetings.
New Generations Service will join the other Avenues of Service — Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service, and International Service. Before starting a project, Rotarians are asked to think broadly about how their club and its members can contribute within each avenue.
Rotarians in North America will have the choice of receiving either an electronic or print version of The Rotarian magazine. Rotarians living at the same address may qualify for a joint subscription.
Here are some changes that will primarily affect Rotary districts:

District assemblies must be held in March, April, or May, and presidents-elect training seminars in February or March.
The chair of the nominating committee for district governor must notify the current governor of the committee’s candidate within 24 hours, and the governor must inform clubs within 72 hours.
When a governor-elect position is vacant less than three months before the International Assembly, the successor will automatically fill the vacancy, if he or she is willing.
If two or more governor election complaints are filed in a district in a five-year period and the Board believes that the RI Bylaws or election complaint procedures have been violated, it may disqualify the nominee, select a past governor to serve, and remove any governor, governor-elect, or past governor who is improperly influencing or interfering with the election process. The Board may dissolve any district and reassign its clubs to other districts if three or more election complaints are filed in a five-year period.
Here are some changes that will primary affect Rotary clubs:

No club may limit membership based on sexual orientation.
Clubs must inform their district governor of a proposed change to the club name or locality at least 10 days before voting on the proposal.
The immediate past club president will be considered a club officer and a member of the board.
The RI Board may suspend or terminate the membership of any club that retains any member who has misused funds from The Rotary Foundation or who otherwise has breached the stewardship policies of the Foundation.
Clubs accepting a transferring or former Rotarian must first secure a certificate from the former member’s club confirming that person’s membership. The former club is obligated to verify that the member does not owe any debts to the club. A prospective member cannot join a new club until all debts have been paid.
Download the Report of Action from the 2010 Council on Legislation (PDF).