Hello Dear friends in the Rotary world,

You have all heard by now the RYLA 2010 @ Miri. We have only 96 places altogether and the number of participants so far has reached halfway and the places left are decreasing fast. Please send us your participants name as soon

as possible so that the accommodation( number of dormitories) can be booked, T-shirts ordered, certificates printed etc etc .

To help us get all these ready we would love to have your cooperation by immediately giving us the number of attendees you will be sending and/or send us registration fees to safeguard the places; We may have to turn the late comers away if we reach 96 number( 8 teams of 12).

We have already placed a deposit with the Resort to confirm the venue and our speakers are being notified.If you have not got the registration form you can download from the district website at https://www.rotarydistrict3310.org.my/index.php/2010/02/rotary-youth-leadership-awards-2010/

Thank you RC KK South for the 6 , RC Bandar for the 4, RC Labuan for the 5, Inner wheel club of Miri for sponsoring 2 and many more-details with PP Michael Ong(Hon Secretary) and IPP Jenny Liew(OC).

PP David Sukhdev
Hon Treasurer
Rotary Club of Miri