Rotary International News — 17 February 2010

Every Rotarian can directly support Rotary’s membership growth and retention.

During its June meeting, the Rotary International Board of Directors adopted a new membership slogan, ” Each Rotarian: Reach One, Keep One .” The slogan emphasizes the importance of both recruitment and retention in sustaining and increasing membership.

To support this strategy, RI administers a web-based program designed to assist clubs and districts with identifying prospective members and to place relocating or former Rotarians in new clubs. Every Rotarian can directly support Rotary’s membership growth and retention by using the membership referral and Rotarian relocation forms.

The membership referral form is for Rotar­ians wishing to recommend a qualified friend, family member, or business associate as a potential candidate for membership in a Rotary club other than their own.

Rotarians who are moving or have moved and can’t remain in their current club can submit the relocation form to learn more about clubs in their new area. Club secretaries and other club members should remind relocating club members to complete the form to request assistance becoming acquainted with clubs in their destination city.

Once the forms are submitted, RI staff reviews them and sends valid, complete forms to district governors and/or district membership chairs for evaluation and further action. Potential members are either directly contacted by district governors or district membership chairs or referred to the appropriate club president for follow up. Rotarians have been enthusiastic about leads from the program.

“This is a wonderful membership recruitment tool,” says Matthew J. Salatino, past president of the Rotary Club of Schaumburg A.M., Illinois, USA.

District Governor Georgia Medori, of the Rotary Club of Vestavia Hills, Alabama, USA, agrees. In one day, she received two prospective member inquiries through RI’s membership program. “Outstanding! Keep those e-mails coming,” Medori says.

Help Rotarians learn about RI’s membership program by placing a banner ad on your club or district’s website or blog. These ads direct prospective members, relocating Rotarians, and current members to the appropriate form on RI’s website.

Don’t let great candidates for membership pass you by. Encourage club members to become familiar with Rotary’s membership program to enhance your club and district membership efforts.

For more information, see Your Club, the District, and Rotary International: Partners in Membership Development .
