Dear Rotarians,

Welcome to the 13th District Assembly.

The organizing committee, led by Past President Ong Seng Lai, have gone the extra mile to make this event a truly enjoyable and beneficial one. I thank the Rotary Club of Puteri Lagoon for agreeing to host this Assembly.

Let us not forget that the President Elects Training Seminar and District Assembly are essentially training events. The President Elect’s Training Seminar is mandatory for incoming Presidents to attend. Likewise all club committee chairmen are expected to attend the District Assembly. The District Training Team, led by District Trainer Past President Lee Kong Hwee, has spent several hours preparing effective sessions for President Elects and for each of the club committees. There will be also sessions for the incoming secretaries and treasurers.

I assure you that attending these events will help you be a more effective leader of your club. You become a more dedicated Rotarian when you learn more about our great organization.

Let us together make Rotary stronger in our District as we “Build Communities and Bridge Continents”.

I urge all of you to fill the registration forms and send it to the organizing committee as soon as possible.

I am indeed humbled and honoured to lead you in this coming Rotary year. Please give me your best

Thanking you

DGE Dr K.A. Abraham