Fellow Presidents and Club TRF Chairs,

Greeting from District Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge Committee!

On 23 February, Rotary will celebrate its 105th anniversary, on that day we also mark World Understanding and Peace Day. All Rotary Clubs in Singapore will jointly support for the End Polio Now Campaign which is taking place on 23 February 2010 at Orchard Hotel Singapore. PP Claire Chiang from RC Suntec City will be speaking at the WUPD lunch meeting to promote the End Polio Campaign. She’s an excellent speaker and will certainly motivate many to donate or pledge toward the End Polio Campaign.

We hope to collect a substantial amount of US$50,000 which will certainly impress the Guest of Honour Mr K Shanmugam, Minister for Law and 2nd Minister for Home Affairs. Several Ambassadors have confirmed attending as guests of our Rotary Clubs. We expect 300 Rotarians/Guests to be present for the event. The media have also been invited.

I am writing to ask for your support for End Polio Now Champaign. This year we have been working together through PolioPlus Fund, and bring us ever closer to our goal of Polio-free world. “We have no choice but to succeed” For those clubs (including those in Johor, Malacca, Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei) which have not pledged to End Polio Campaign, please officially email to me thru e-group the amount you are giving. Please also check and confirm the below Contribution Report for the Rotary Year 2009-10 as of 1 July 2009 to 31 January 2010:

RC Bintulu US$7,000
RC Bugis Junction US$1,800
RC Garden City US$2,000
RC Johor Bahru US$2,000
RC Kluang US$1,150 (RM3,970)
RC Kuching Central US$2,000
RC Likas Bay US$1,000
RC Marina City US$1,000
RC Miri US$ 50
RC Pandan Valley US$3,400

Total: US$21,400

I do hope you will take this challenge to your clubs. Imaging the impact of every clubs in District 3310 taking part to help End Polio Now around Rotary’s 105th anniversary! We will acknowledge your contribution during the World Understanding and Peace Day Lunch.

I wish you success as we celebrate World Understanding and Peace Day.

The Future of Rotary is in Your Hand.

PP Matthew Yong
District Chair, Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge