Dear PP joseph,
Kindly circulate the following Resolutions received by me to all Club Presidents, DG, PDG’s, etc.
1. Resolution received from RC Kota Melaka :-
“Resolved that the Physical Secretariat already set up at Wisma Rotary Senai be henceforth continued and made a permanent secretariat of the District until otherwise countermanded. ”
2. Resolution received from RC Kota Kinabalu
“WHEREAS the effects of climate change have been directly and/or indirectly linked to calamities and disaster experienced throughout the world”
“IT IS RESOLVED by District 3310 that clubs and Rotarians in the district consider minimizing/reducing the effects of climate change by undertaking projects/activities such as, but not limited to, tree planting, mangrove swamp conservation, flora and fauna conservations, 3Rs (reduce, recycle, reuse), Earth Day, wetlands preservation and to seek ways to reduce carbon footprints”
3. Resolution received from RC Singapore
To allow the Governor to appoint more than one Past District Governor to assist the Trainer.
Whereas in a resolution adopted at the District Conference in December 2005, the Governor may appoint “an experienced Past District Governor as Advisor” it is resolved that the resolution be amended by putting the words “not more than three Past District Governors as Advisors” be inserted in its place.
To require Past District Governors attending District meetings to bear their costs of accommodation, travel expenses, registration fees
Whereas at the 50th District Conference of District 330, March 1985, a resolution was adopted which stated that “in attending meetings members of the Council of Governors would be paid for their travel and hotel expenses not exceeding two nights”.
And whereas at the Council of Governors meeting held in November in 1996 it was “recommended that Past Governors would have to bear their own cost of transport and accommodation when attending District Assembly and District Conference except those who are facilitators/ moderators. This is not withstanding that Past District Governors may be asked to be resource persons at workshop sessions at the District Assembly and/or Conferences.”
It is resolved herewith that Past District Governors shall bear their own cost of accommodation, transport and registration cost when attending Rotary meetings, except those who are facilitators/ moderators or special invited speakers, in which case, they will only be paid their transport cost, registration fees and one night stay in the meeting hotel.
To put a ceiling as to how much the Governor can spend District funds on District activities.
Whereas at the 50th District Conference of District 330, March 1985, a resolution was adopted that allowed the Governor with the consent of the District Treasurer and the current Chair of the Council of Governors may use the District funds for various activities.
It is resolved that this resolution be and hereby amended to allow the Governor with the consent of the District Finance Committee to use not more than S$10,000.00 during his year in office for various activities.
To amend the provision on the Nominating Committee for the selection of District Governor Nominee adopted at the April 1990 District Conference and in April 2008 District Conference.
Whereas at the 1990 and 2008 District Conferences resolutions were adopted to govern how a Governor Nominee should be selected. It is hereby resolved that these resolutions be deleted. In its place, it is now resolved that:
1) The procedure in the nominating and selecting District Governors shall be in accordance with the provision found in the MOP, English Edition, Article 13 of the By-laws of Rotary International.
2) The Members of the Nominating Committee shall comprise of 3 senior Past District Governors and the two most recent Past District Governors.
3) The Chair of the Committee shall be the current Chair of the Council of Governors.
4) A member of the Committee shall resign if his/her club has nominated a candidate for consideration. The vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Item 2.
5) In the event when there are no candidates, the Committee shall be responsible in seeking out and inviting the best available person to be the candidate of the Nominating Committee. There shall be no new application needed nor interview necessary.
To delete the resolution adopted at the District Assembly March 2004 on the establishment of a regional magazine
Whereas the resolution to participate in the production of a regional magazine was adopted at the District Assembly March 2004. The production of such a magazine is no longer tenable.
It is hereby resolved that this resolution be deleted from the District record.
Thank you.
PDG M. Jayasingam