Dear Rotary Leaders,

I have just returned from an organising committee meeting for the Rotary Manila Institute 2009. The Phillippines Rotarians are going all out to make this an outstanding institute. RI President Kenny and PRIP Bichai Rattukul will be attending and giving keynote speeches. The institute will be at the luxury Dusit Thani Hotel in Makati. Right across the road is a hugh shopping mall and complex. There will also be a special spouses program with cultural and sightseeing and shopping tours. Very attractive for the spouses.

One of the highlights will be the signing of matched clubs agreements among zones 5B, 6B, and 7B clubs. If you have sister clubs in these zones, you may want to sign the agreement with them at the special session. Another highlight will be the Fellowship Dinner where each district will present an entertainment item.

Righrt now our district has only 11 Rotarians (PDGs, DGE, DGN, and 3 PPs) and 10 spouses registered. The organisers are hoping for more Rotarians from our District 3310 to register as ours is a hugh district geographically. RI Director Jackson Hsieh will be bringing some 250 from Taiwan.

So please plan to attend and send in your registration by September 30 to ensure yourself a room at the Dusit Thani. It’s only US$100 a night for 2 persons.

If you have any questions, please let me know.


PDG Chris Chen
Promotion and Attendance Chairman for D3310
Rotary Institute Manila 2009