How much do you know about your club’s membership?

Rotary International News — 6 August 2009

August is Membership and Extension Month, a time to reflect on your club’s membership. Are your numbers increasing? Is your membership diverse? Brainstorm with your club on how to recruit new members. The Club President’s Manual (222) contains an appendix worksheet on strategies for membership recruitment. Use the resources below to help your club improve its member retention and recruitment:

* The Membership Video Set (427) includes two DVDs: one for new members and one for prospective members. Each DVD features a compilation of Rotary videos, including Welcome to Rotary , various Humanity in Motion public service announcements, and segments from RVM: The Rotarian Video Magazine . The set contains selections in all available languages.
* The New Member Orientation: A How-to Guide for Clubs (414) is geared toward Rotarians responsible for creating or updating their club’s new member information programs.
* The Membership Development Resource Guide (417) outlines steps to help clubs develop a membership development action plan for recruiting and retaining members.
* Club Assessment Tools is a new online companion piece to the Membership Development Resource Guide.

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